Keratoconus is an eye condition where the front surface the eye becomes distorted and causes poor vision and can often lead to a corneal transplant.
In the past, small corneal hard lenses were fitted for these cases, but these lenses were very often uncomfortable to wear. Patients battled with symptoms of reflex tearing, lens decentration and constant lens awareness when blinking.
The Keratoconus and Scleral centre in Johannesburg has invested in new exciting technology to treat and manage Keratoconus. According to Mr Willem Pieterse a well known optometrist in Johannesburg Westrand, Scleral lenses are exceptionally comfortable, provide great vision and have transformed the quality of life for patients with Keratoconus even after corneal transplant surgery. Most patients would agree that the comfort of these lenses is similar to soft contact lenses.
The secret of scleral lenses is that they do not touch on the sensitive corneal tissue, but rather vaults the cornea with fluid resting on the “white” of the eye called the sclera. There is an absence of friction; constant moisture on the eye and adequate oxygen levels, which leads to higher visual function and comfort.
South Africa is at the forefront of this technology which has taken the world by storm with incredible results and happy patients. Mr Pieterse and Mr Nettmann are qualified in Scleral lens fitting and use new generation Scleral lenses like the ICD lens from Canada, the 5Z Scleral lens from Australia and the new Modern DF Scleral lens from South Africa.
Scleral lenses are now the first choice for Keratoconus treatment by leading corneal eye specialists.
For more information phone: 010 100 3824 or click on to arrange a Keratoconus Screening.